Hawaii Luau Company Honolulu Services

Hawaii Luau Company is the premier private luau company in Honolulu, HI. We provide a wide range of Hawaiian entertainment, Luau and Oahu wedding options to fit your needs

Private Hawaiian Luaus

You’re looking for an exciting group event. You don’t want your guests to be crammed into a dinner show with another party. What you really wanted was something different, something private for your company employees, friends and family. That’s why you turned to us at private oahu luau! We can come anywhere in hawaii or america and custom tailor our show just for you- making it one-of-a-kind! We can provide the food, beverage and even offer suggestions of hotels if required. Call today–you’ve found what you needed all along (and best of all it’s remarkably affordable)

Private Luau Oahu

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Hula Classes Oahu

Hula is one of the oldest and expressive art forms. Now you can get a private lesson from experts on Oahu without any travel hassle! In-person classes should be booked in advance.

Interested families may purchase private hula lessons by the hour or we can even work with you every day on your Hawaii vacation Hula Dancing Oahu. Classes are taught by experienced instructors who specialize in teaching their individual clients. Students will learn all about the history and meaning behind it’s gestures while learning rhythms, songs and dance moves to bring their knowledge alive when they go back home each day after class at the beach or wherever you want the classes to be held.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Oahu Weddings

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Hawaiian Dancers for Hire

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Fire Knife Dancers for Hire

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Hawaiian Musicians for Hire

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Hawaiian Destination Weddings

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Private Events at your location in Hawaii

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Corporate Events at your location in Hawaii

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Lei Greetings

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Private Luau

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Polynesian Luau

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Special Occasions with Hawaiian Entertainment, Musicians and Decor

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Hawaiian Event Planning

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Hawaiian Tour Groups

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Hawaii Destination Management Companies

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Lei Making

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties in Hawaii

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Locations Served: Maui, Kauai, Oahu, Big Island of Hawaii

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Hawaiian Activities

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Hawaiian Entertainment

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Mai-Tai and Lava-Flow cocktail making

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.

Polynesian/ Hawaiian cuisine

Celebrations are incomplete without a ceremony. Whether it be a marriage, vow renewal, naming ceremony – no occasion is too big or small – we have you covered with our weddings officiant on Oahu. Renew your vows and tell the story of your love all over again—it will be an experience long remembered! Where better to perform your wedding than the very prestigious and experienced island destination: Oahu, Hawaii? Well it’s your lucky day. You know who has been performing weddings across this beautiful state for years now? Hawaii Luau Company provices Wedding Officiant Oahu.

Donec Viverra Nulla Quis Dignissim

Hawaiian Traditionalism and the Importance of Taking Hula Seriously

The origin of hula is unclear, with many speculations existing. Generally speaking there is consensus that it began as part of religious ritual, however it is unclear whether the dances sprung from this, or if the dances influenced the ritual.
In any case, hula is a traditional dance in Hawaii with origins in Polynesia. Modern forms of the dance draw elements from Tahitian and other styles. While there may be some differences depending on where it is performed, generally speaking the most important aspects of hula are hand gestures, or “mea mana”, and the beat of the music, or “i luna”. There are also traditional chants, known as oli. The dancers (“kumu hula”) are responsible for knowing all aspects of this history, practice their dances daily, and teach others.

The Spiritual History of the Hula Dance, Preserved in Hawaii

Hula is performed today in many different contexts, including competitive platforms. However it is generally believed that there are serious consequences for any student who attempts to perform while not taking the dance seriously. The most important aspect of hula is the connection with the spirit world, and so anything less than absolute respect for this tradition is an insult to both ancestors and future generations. Many Hawaiians believe that hula was brought to Hawaii by the gods, and so it is very important not to let them down.
In order to learn about the history of hula, you can take lessons from Hawaii Luau Company. Our packages come from the best traditional Hawaiian values and will give you a great opportunity to learn this beautiful dance form. While on vacation, learning Hula Dance is the best way to discover the history and culture of Hawaii!

Hula dance lessons from Hawaii Luau Company

Hula is one of the most traditional forms of dance in Hawaii. It’s history stretches back for centuries, and many believe that hula was brought to the islands by the gods themselves. While hula has seen highpoints and lowpoints over the years, it remains an important part of Hawaiian culture. This is why it is so important to learn hula, and why you should take lessons during your Hawaiian vacation with Hawaii Luau Company.
Learn about the importance of hula, and experience the beauty of this cultural dance form first hand. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas today!

The History of Hula Kahiko, an Ancient Hawaiian Dance Form

First of all, the term “ancient” is not a very good word to describe this style. The more accurate term would be “traditional”. This style has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. It is concerned with ritual and spirituality, and consequently there are no written accounts of it. This means that all knowledge is passed down orally from kumu to student.
This is a more recent style. It developed around the same time as western contact with Hawaii, and has since become known all over the world. This essentially means that it is a tourist dance, and not a traditional one in most cases. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it does change the way that this type of hula is thought about and taught.
Hula Kahiko is an important part of Hawaiian culture, but you can’t become a kumu with only knowledge of this style. A good start would be to learn about different kinds of hulas, and practice dance steps before choosing which kind you would like to learn.
Hula Kahiko is an ancient form of dance that comes from Hawaii. It is practiced by several different groups including the ruling class, people with high rank in society, and others like fishermen who were permitted to perform it at special occasions.

Hula Auana (modern hula)

Hula Auna (otherwise known as modern hula) is a style that came into being after the arrival of Europeans in Hawaii. It is much more influenced by both European and American cultures, because these are the kinds of dance that were brought to Hawaii when trade with other countries increased. Because it has become so popular, hula auana is generally performed for tourists visiting the islands rather than traditional Hawaiians.
The two most recognizable forms are Kahiko, which is generally more serious and ritualistic in nature, and Auana, which is the more accessible version of hula for visitors. While it is important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its roots and it’s purposes, you should take lessons from a kumu who specializes in hula auana to give you the most legitimacy.

How Many Types of Hula Are There

There are over 300 different kinds of hula. Within each category there are many different types of hula. Some are simple steps while others are much more complicated.
What makes hula so interesting is the fact that there are not only different kinds of dances, but each dance has variations. Each variation tells a story or expresses something about the dancer in a specific way. These stories and meanings vary depending on where both the dancer and audience comes from. There are also different types of hula for men and women.
While you should take a lesson from our kumu to get a better understanding of this beautiful culture, it is important to know that there are many different kinds of hulas. Each kind is unique, and each one tells a story in a way that other dances can’t.
For this reason, it’s important to learn about traditional hula so that you understand its origins.
What is the Difference Between Hula and Tahitian Dance?
Many visitors who come to Hawaii aren’t sure if they should take a lesson in hula or Tahitian dance while they are here. The two forms of dance do have many similarities, but they are also different in some very important ways. The first difference is that hula is performed to the sound of chanting, while Tahitian dance has a drum beat as it’s foundation.
Hula had its beginnings with ancient Hawaiian priests and chiefs who used dancing as part of their religious ceremonies. It was only later that it became a form of entertainment for the common people. This means that hula is more spiritual than Tahitian dance, which has its origins in street dances.
Both forms of dance are beautiful to watch, but they also have different styles. Hula typically involves less movement of the hips and shoulders than Tahitian dancers, who often turn and sway those parts of the body.
The best way to choose which dance form you would like to learn is by taking a lesson and seeing how it makes you feel. You can find out more about our hula lessons on our website, or simply give us a call so we can help you book your reservation.
Hawaii Luau Company specializes in cultural activities and entertainment that will give you a Hawaiian experience like none other. Take a lesson from our kumu hulas, historians, lei sellers, and more! Contact us today for more information about our activities in the Hawaiian islands.