5 Cant Miss Big Island Things To Do Island Of Hawaii 1

5 Can’t Miss Big Island Things to Do (Island of Hawaii)

If you’re planning a trip to the Big Island of Hawaii, you won’t want to miss out on these five incredible activities. The video by The Hawaii Vacation Guide covers everything from Manta Ray night snorkeling to exploring the Kilauea Eruption Status on the official USGS website. You’ll also get recommendations for the best farm tours, whale watching tours, and where to stay on the island. Plus, the video includes time stamps for each topic discussed, providing a comprehensive guide to make the most of your time in Hawaii. Don’t miss out on these unforgettable experiences!

Now, let’s dive into the details of these must-do activities on the Big Island. Manta Ray night snorkeling is an exhilarating adventure where you have the chance to swim with these majestic creatures up close. Check out the Kilauea Eruption Status to witness the awe-inspiring power of Hawaii’s volcanoes. Snorkel at Captain Cook Monument, explore the beauty of farm tours, and don’t forget to go whale watching during the season from December to March. The Hawaii Vacation Guide has all the information and links you need to plan an unforgettable trip. So, get ready for an amazing time on the Island of Hawaii!

Manta Ray Night Snorkeling

5 Cant Miss Big Island Things to Do (Island of Hawaii)

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Overview of Manta Ray Night Snorkeling

One of the most thrilling and unforgettable experiences you can have on the Big Island is manta ray night snorkeling. This unique activity allows you to get up close and personal with these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. Manta rays are known for their graceful movements and impressive size, with wingspans that can reach up to 20 feet. Imagine floating in the water as these gentle giants glide effortlessly around you, their elegant bodies illuminated by underwater lights. It’s an awe-inspiring sight that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime.

How to book Manta Ray Night Snorkeling

To book your manta ray night snorkeling adventure, there are several options available. You can choose to go on a guided tour, where experienced professionals will take you to the best manta ray feeding areas. These tours often provide all the necessary snorkeling equipment, including wetsuits and floaties. They also ensure safety by giving detailed instructions and guidelines on how to interact with the manta rays without causing harm. Alternatively, if you’re a confident swimmer and have your own equipment, you can opt for a self-guided snorkeling experience. Whichever option you choose, make sure to do some research and read reviews to find a reputable tour operator that prioritizes the well-being of the manta rays and the environment.

Best time to go Manta Ray Night Snorkeling

The best time to go manta ray night snorkeling is during the summer months, specifically between May and September. This is when the water is warmer and the chances of encountering manta rays are higher. It’s important to note that weather conditions can affect the visibility and overall experience, so it’s always a good idea to check the weather forecast before booking your trip. Additionally, manta ray night snorkeling tours are usually conducted in the evening, after sunset. This is when the manta rays come closer to the surface to feed on plankton, and the underwater lights attract them, providing a mesmerizing show for snorkelers. Be prepared for a nighttime adventure like no other, where you’ll witness the beauty of the ocean at its most enchanting.

Checking the Kilauea Eruption Status

Importance of checking the Kilauea Eruption Status

When visiting the Big Island, it’s essential to stay informed about the current status of the Kilauea volcano eruptions. Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, and its eruptions can have a significant impact on the surrounding areas. By regularly checking the eruption status, you can ensure your safety and plan your activities accordingly. The eruption status provides valuable information about any ongoing volcanic activity, including lava flows, gas emissions, and potential hazards. It’s crucial to heed any warnings or advisories issued by the official authorities to avoid putting yourself in harm’s way.

Official USGS website for Kilauea Eruption Status

The official source for checking the Kilauea eruption status is the website of the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The USGS closely monitors volcanic activity and provides real-time updates and reports on their website. They use a classification system to indicate the level of volcanic activity, ranging from normal (green) to eruption (red). The website also includes maps, photos, and scientific information about the volcano. It’s recommended to bookmark the USGS website and check it regularly during your stay on the Big Island for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

How to interpret the eruption status

Interpreting the eruption status can be crucial in determining whether certain areas or activities are safe. If the eruption status is classified as “normal,” it means that there is no current volcanic activity or imminent danger. However, it’s still essential to stay informed as conditions can change rapidly. When the status is “advisory,” it indicates that there is some volcanic activity, such as increased gas emissions or minor lava flows, but it doesn’t pose an immediate threat to public safety. “Watch” status is more serious and suggests that volcanic activity is escalating and could potentially lead to an eruption. In this case, it’s advisable to follow the instructions of local authorities and be prepared for evacuation if necessary. The highest level is “warning,” which means that an eruption is imminent or already occurring. It’s crucial to take immediate action and follow evacuation orders to ensure your safety and well-being. Always rely on official sources, such as the USGS, for the most reliable and current eruption status updates.

Safety precautions

Visiting an active volcano requires taking certain safety precautions to minimize risks and ensure a safe experience. Here are some important guidelines to follow:

  1. Follow all instructions and advisories issued by local authorities and park rangers.
  2. Stay in designated areas and respect all closures and restricted zones.
  3. Be aware of potential hazards, such as falling rocks, toxic gases, and lava flows.
  4. Carry a mask or bandana to protect yourself from volcanic gases if necessary.
  5. Wear appropriate footwear and clothing for hiking in volcanic terrain.
  6. Stay hydrated and carry plenty of water with you, as volcanic areas can be hot and dry.
  7. Do not attempt to venture into dangerous areas or explore lava tubes without proper guidance.
  8. If you’re partaking in a guided tour, ensure that the tour operator has all necessary permits and follows safety protocols.
  9. In case of an emergency, follow evacuation procedures and have an emergency plan in place.

By following these precautions and staying informed about the eruption status, you can have a safe and memorable experience exploring the captivating volcanic landscapes of the Big Island.

Snorkeling at Captain Cook Monument

Introduction to Captain Cook Monument

The Captain Cook Monument is a historical and cultural landmark located on the Big Island of Hawaii. It commemorates the famous British explorer Captain James Cook, who arrived in the Hawaiian Islands in 1778. The monument stands tall on the rugged coastline, overlooking Kealakekua Bay, a pristine marine reserve known for its crystal-clear waters and abundant marine life. Besides its historical significance, the Captain Cook Monument is also a popular destination for snorkelers, offering a unique opportunity to explore vibrant coral reefs and encounter a diverse array of tropical fish.

Location and accessibility

The Captain Cook Monument is situated on the west coast of the Big Island, approximately 12 miles south of Kailua-Kona. Access to the monument can be challenging, as it is located in a remote and rugged terrain. The most common way to reach the monument is by hiking, kayaking, or taking a boat tour. The hiking trail starts at Napoopoo Road and requires a moderate level of fitness and hiking experience. If you prefer a more leisurely approach, you can rent a kayak and paddle across Kealakekua Bay to the monument. Alternatively, there are various boat tour operators that offer guided trips to the Captain Cook Monument, allowing you to relax and enjoy the scenic coastline from the water.

Snorkeling opportunities

Once you reach the Captain Cook Monument, you’ll be rewarded with exceptional snorkeling opportunities. Kealakekua Bay is a protected marine reserve, ensuring the preservation of its vibrant coral reefs and abundant marine life. Submerge yourself in the azure waters, and you’ll find yourself surrounded by a kaleidoscope of tropical fish, such as vibrant parrotfish, yellow tangs, and butterflyfish. The clarity of the water allows for excellent visibility, making it easy to admire the intricate coral formations and their inhabitants. Keep an eye out for the elusive Hawaiian honu, or green sea turtle, as they gracefully glide through the water, adding an extra touch of magic to your snorkeling adventure.

Marine life to observe

The waters surrounding the Captain Cook Monument are teeming with an incredible diversity of marine life. Alongside the colorful reef fish, you may spot larger inhabitants, such as moray eels, octopuses, and even reef sharks. The bay is also a popular resting spot for spinner dolphins, which often make playful appearances, leaping and twirling through the air. Keep in mind that it’s important to observe marine life from a safe distance and avoid touching or interfering with their natural behavior. Respecting the delicate ecosystem of Kealakekua Bay ensures the preservation of this precious underwater paradise for future generations.

Farm Tours

Various farm tours available on the Big Island

If you’re looking to immerse yourself in the agricultural treasures of the Big Island, a farm tour is a must-do activity. As an island known for its rich volcanic soil and favorable climate, the Big Island is home to an abundance of farms that produce a wide array of tropical fruits, coffee, macadamia nuts, and more. From lush coffee plantations to sprawling fruit orchards, there are farm tours available that cater to all interests and tastes. These tours provide a unique opportunity to learn about Hawaii’s agricultural practices, sample freshly harvested produce, and gain insights into the sustainable farming methods employed on the island.

Popular farm tour destinations

Some of the most popular farm tour destinations on the Big Island include:

  1. Kona Coffee Farms: Kona is renowned for its world-class coffee, and visiting a coffee farm is a must for any caffeine enthusiast. Take a tour of a Kona coffee plantation and learn about the history, cultivation, and processing of this prized Hawaiian coffee. Sample different coffee varieties and appreciate the craftsmanship behind every cup.
  2. Tropical Fruit Farms: The Big Island is a tropical paradise, and nowhere is this more evident than in its abundant fruit farms. Join a guided tour of a fruit farm, where you can taste exotic fruits like lilikoi (passion fruit), mangoes, pineapples, and papayas. Learn about the different fruits, their unique flavors, and the sustainable farming practices that ensure their growth.
  3. Macadamia Nut Farms: Macadamia nuts are a popular Hawaiian delicacy, and a visit to a macadamia nut farm allows you to witness the cultivation, processing, and roasting of these delicious nuts. Take a stroll through orchards laden with macadamia trees, and savor the rich, buttery flavor of freshly cracked nuts.
  4. Cacao and Chocolate Farms: Experience the journey from cacao pod to chocolate bar by visiting a cacao farm on the Big Island. Learn about the intricate process of chocolate-making and sample different types of Hawaiian-grown chocolate. Indulge your taste buds as you discover the nuances of flavors found in high-quality, single-origin chocolates.

Activities and experiences offered

Each farm tour offers its unique set of activities and experiences, allowing visitors to truly connect with the land and the people behind the island’s agricultural treasures. Depending on the farm, you may have the opportunity to:

  • Participate in farm-to-table experiences, where you can harvest and prepare your own food using freshly picked ingredients.
  • Go on guided walks through lush gardens and orchards, learning about the different crops and their cultural significance.
  • Engage in hands-on activities such as coffee roasting, chocolate-making, or nut cracking, experiencing the craft and artistry of these food production processes.
  • Enjoy tastings of various farm products, from freshly brewed coffee and tropical fruit juices to artisan chocolates and roasted nuts.
  • Learn about sustainable farming practices that promote environmental stewardship and support the local community.

Benefits of farm tours

Farm tours on the Big Island offer numerous benefits to both visitors and the local community. By participating in these tours, you not only get to taste the island’s authentic flavors but also gain a deeper understanding of the rich agricultural heritage and the efforts made to preserve it. Supporting local farmers and purchasing their products directly contributes to the island’s economy and helps sustain the agricultural traditions that have been passed down through generations. Moreover, farm tours provide an opportunity for cultural exchange and foster connections between visitors and the local community. Whether you’re a food lover, an environmental enthusiast, or simply curious about the island’s agricultural practices, embarking on a farm tour will undoubtedly enrich your experience on the Big Island.

Whale Watching Tours

Whale watching season on the Big Island

The Big Island of Hawaii is a prime destination for whale watching, with its warm waters attracting majestic humpback whales during their winter migration. The official whale watching season runs from December to March, although sightings can occur earlier or later depending on the whales’ arrival and departure patterns. During this time, thousands of humpback whales migrate from their feeding grounds in Alaska to the Hawaiian Islands, where they mate, give birth, and nurse their young. Witnessing these magnificent creatures breaching, tail-slapping, and engaging in other awe-inspiring behaviors is an unparalleled experience that will leave you in awe of nature’s wonders.

Discover more about the 5 Cant Miss Big Island Things to Do (Island of Hawaii).

Best time to go whale watching

For the best chances of whale sightings, plan your whale watching tour during the peak of the season, which is usually from January to February. During these months, the number of humpback whales in Hawaiian waters is at its highest, making it more likely to spot these gentle giants. However, keep in mind that whale sightings are still possible throughout the entire whale watching season. If you’re visiting the Big Island between December and March, be sure to allocate ample time for a whale watching excursion and check with local tour operators for the most up-to-date information on recent sightings.

Different whale species to observe

While humpback whales steal the show during the whale watching season on the Big Island, other whale species can also be spotted in Hawaiian waters. These may include:

  1. Pilot Whales: Pilot whales are known for their distinctively rounded heads and large pods. They can often be seen swimming closely together, demonstrating strong social bonds.
  2. Sperm Whales: Sperm whales are the largest toothed whales and are known for their iconic rectangular-shaped heads. They are known to dive to great depths in search of their preferred prey, squid.
  3. False Killer Whales: False killer whales are large, social dolphins that resemble blackfish. They are highly sociable and often travel in groups, displaying playful and acrobatic behaviors.
  4. Risso’s Dolphins: Risso’s dolphins have a unique appearance, with a large, bulbous head and scars acquired from social interactions. They tend to frequent the deeper waters of the Big Island’s coast.

Choosing the right whale watching tour

When selecting a whale watching tour, it’s essential to choose a reputable operator with experienced guides who prioritize the safety and well-being of the whales. Look for tour companies that follow responsible whale watching guidelines, such as keeping a safe distance from the animals and minimizing disturbance to their natural behaviors. Additionally, consider the size of the tour group, as smaller boats may offer a more intimate and personalized experience. It’s also worth checking if the tour provides any educational resources or commentary about whale biology and behavior, as this can enhance your understanding and appreciation of these magnificent creatures. Ultimately, the goal is to have a respectful and memorable encounter with the whales while supporting ethical ecotourism practices.

Best Hawaii Tours and Activities

Overview of recommended Hawaii tours and activities

The Hawaiian Islands offer an incredible range of tours and activities that cater to every interest and preference. Whether you’re an adventure seeker, a nature lover, a history buff, or someone simply looking to relax and unwind, there’s something for everyone in Hawaii. From thrilling helicopter rides over volcanic landscapes to tranquil sunset cruises along the coast, the options are endless. Here is an overview of some of the best Hawaii tours and activities that we recommend.

Top-rated tour operators

When choosing a tour operator in Hawaii, it’s crucial to select one with a proven track record of providing excellent service and memorable experiences. Look for operators that have positive reviews, professional guides, and a commitment to environmental sustainability. Here are some top-rated tour operators in Hawaii:

  1. Roberts Hawaii: This reputable company offers a wide range of tours, including island sightseeing, cultural experiences, and adventure activities. With their experienced guides and well-maintained vehicles, you can trust that your tour with Roberts Hawaii will be both informative and enjoyable.
  2. Blue Hawaiian Helicopters: If you’re looking for a unique perspective of Hawaii’s natural beauty, a helicopter tour with Blue Hawaiian Helicopters is a must. They provide state-of-the-art helicopters with knowledgeable pilots who will take you on an unforgettable journey above the stunning landscapes, including volcanoes, waterfalls, and lush rainforests.
  3. Atlantis Submarines: Explore the underwater world without getting wet by taking a submarine tour with Atlantis Submarines. Descend below the surface and witness vibrant coral reefs and marine life up close through large viewing windows. This is a fantastic opportunity for those who prefer a more relaxed and comfortable way to explore the ocean depths.
  4. Polynesian Cultural Center: Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Hawaii at the Polynesian Cultural Center. This renowned attraction offers various cultural activities, performances, and interactive exhibits that showcase the traditions and customs of the Polynesian islands.

Specialized adventure tours

For adrenaline junkies and adventure enthusiasts, Hawaii provides a playground of thrilling activities. Here are some specialized adventure tours that will get your heart racing:

  1. Ziplining: Soar through the treetops and take in breathtaking views as you zip along zipline courses that traverse lush valleys and cascading waterfalls.
  2. Surfing Lessons: Hawaii is known for its world-class surf breaks, and taking a surfing lesson with experienced instructors is the perfect way to catch some waves and experience the exhilaration of the sport.
  3. Hiking and Waterfall Tours: Lace up your hiking boots and explore the diverse landscapes of Hawaii on guided hikes that lead to stunning waterfalls, hidden beaches, and volcanic vistas.
  4. Snorkeling and Scuba Diving: Dive into Hawaii’s crystal-clear waters and discover an underwater paradise teeming with colorful coral reefs, tropical fish, and even the occasional sea turtle or manta ray.

Cultural and historical experiences

Hawaii has a rich cultural and historical heritage that is worth exploring during your visit. Here are some cultural and historical tours and activities that will deepen your understanding of the islands and their people:

  1. Luau: Experience a traditional Hawaiian feast accompanied by captivating music, hula dancing, and Polynesian entertainment. Luau offers a glimpse into the vibrant culture and warm hospitality of Hawaii.
  2. Pearl Harbor Tour: Visit the historic site of the Pearl Harbor attack and pay homage to the lives lost during World War II. The Pearl Harbor tour includes a visit to the USS Arizona Memorial, the Battleship Missouri, and the USS Bowfin Submarine Museum.
  3. Cultural Workshops: Engage in hands-on activities such as lei making, ukulele playing, or hula dancing to learn about the traditional arts and crafts of Hawaii. These workshops provide an opportunity to connect with the local culture and gain insights into the customs and traditions of the islands.

Whether you’re seeking adventure, cultural immersion, or simply relaxation, Hawaii offers a plethora of tours and activities to suit all interests. With the guidance of experienced tour operators, you’re guaranteed to create unforgettable memories and make the most of your time in this tropical paradise.

Where to Stay: Big Island Hotels, Resorts, and Vacation Rentals

Importance of choosing the right accommodation

Choosing the right accommodation is crucial to having a comfortable and enjoyable stay on the Big Island. Your lodging choice can greatly impact your overall experience, whether you’re seeking luxury, relaxation, or proximity to certain attractions. With a variety of options available, it’s important to consider your preferences, budget, and desired location when selecting accommodation.

Reviewing Big Island hotels, resorts, and vacation rentals

To assist in your search for the ideal accommodation, numerous websites provide comprehensive reviews and ratings of Big Island hotels, resorts, and vacation rentals. Reading personal experiences and opinions from previous guests can give you valuable insights and help you make an informed decision. Websites like TripAdvisor, Booking.com, and Expedia offer a wealth of information, including photos, amenities, and unbiased reviews. Additionally, consider reaching out to friends, family, or local travel communities for recommendations and advice based on their personal experiences.

Top-rated options

When it comes to choosing the top-rated accommodations on the Big Island, a few options consistently receive high praise from guests:

  1. Four Seasons Resort Hualalai: This luxurious resort is known for its impeccable service, stunning ocean views, and world-class amenities. Guests can enjoy spacious rooms, private lanais, multiple pools, a championship golf course, and a renowned spa.
  2. Mauna Lani, Auberge Resorts Collection: Nestled along the pristine Kohala Coast, Mauna Lani offers a blend of luxury and Hawaiian charm. The resort features beautifully appointed rooms, a white sand beach, championship golf courses, and cultural activities that celebrate the island’s heritage.
  3. Vacation Rentals in Volcano Village: For those seeking a unique and immersive experience near Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, vacation rentals in Volcano Village provide a cozy and convenient base. These rentals offer the opportunity to stay amidst lush rainforests and experience the tranquility of the volcanic landscapes.
  4. Hilton Waikoloa Village: This expansive resort provides a range of amenities and activities for guests of all ages. With its own lagoon, water slides, golf courses, and a variety of dining options, Hilton Waikoloa Village offers a vibrant and family-friendly atmosphere.

Factors to consider when booking

When booking accommodation on the Big Island, consider the following factors:

  1. Location: Determine which areas of the Big Island you wish to explore and choose accommodation near your desired attractions and activities. Whether you prefer a beachfront resort, a remote vacation rental, or proximity to towns and restaurants, the location can greatly shape your experience.
  2. Budget: Establish a budget for accommodation and search for options within your price range. Keep in mind that rates can vary depending on the time of year, so consider visiting during less busy seasons for better rates.
  3. Amenities: Consider the amenities you desire from your accommodation, such as pools, spas, restaurants, fitness facilities, or beach access. Make a list of must-have amenities and prioritize them during your search.
  4. Reviews and Ratings: Take the time to read reviews and ratings from previous guests to get an idea of the overall quality and experiences at a particular property. Look for consistency across multiple reviews and consider both positive and negative feedback.

Ultimately, selecting the right accommodation is a personal choice that depends on your preferences and the type of experience you’re seeking on the Big Island. By considering your needs, reading reviews, and doing thorough research, you’ll be well-equipped to choose a lodging option that enhances your overall stay on the island.

Time Stamp Topics in the Video


The video covers five can’t-miss things to do on the Big Island of Hawaii. It provides an overview of the activities and highlights the importance of these experiences for a complete Hawaiian vacation.

Manta Rays

This section of the video discusses the thrilling experience of manta ray night snorkeling. It explains how to book a manta ray night snorkeling tour and the best time to go to increase the chances of encountering these magnificent creatures.


Exploring Hawaii’s volcanoes, including the Kilauea volcano, is another must-do activity on the Big Island. The video emphasizes the importance of checking the Kilauea eruption status and provides information on how to interpret the eruption status and take necessary safety precautions.

Best Beach

The video mentions the Captain Cook Monument as one of the best beaches on the Big Island. It describes the location and accessibility of the monument and highlights the snorkeling opportunities and marine life to observe in its surrounding waters.

Best Snorkel Spot

This section focuses on snorkeling as a popular activity on the Big Island. It mentions the vibrant coral reefs and tropical fish found around the Captain Cook Monument as an ideal snorkel spot for enthusiasts.

100% Kona

The video briefly mentions Kona coffee country and recommends visiting the farms in the area. It highlights the unique experience of touring coffee plantations and learning about the cultivation and processing of Kona coffee.

GoPro Camera Gear for Vacation

Suggested camera gear for capturing vacation moments

When embarking on a vacation, having the right camera gear can make a significant difference in capturing and preserving precious memories. For exploring the Big Island, here are some suggested GoPro camera gear to consider:

  1. GoPro HERO9 Black: The GoPro HERO9 Black is a versatile and powerful camera that allows you to capture high-quality photos and videos. With its advanced features, including 5K resolution footage, hyper smooth stabilization, and waterproof capabilities, you can document your adventures with stunning detail.
  2. Extra Battery and Memory Cards: Make sure to pack extra batteries and memory cards to ensure you never miss a moment. The Big Island offers countless opportunities for capturing breathtaking landscapes and wildlife, so having extra storage and power is essential.
  3. Mounts and Accessories: Depending on the activities you have planned, consider investing in various mounts and accessories to expand your photography options. Waterproof housing, chest mounts, and selfie sticks can provide different perspectives and angles for capturing unique shots.
  4. Floaty: One crucial accessory for using a GoPro near water is a floaty. This small device attaches to your GoPro, ensuring that it floats on the surface if it accidentally falls into the water. This provides peace of mind and prevents you from losing your camera in the depths of the ocean.

Importance of investing in a floaty for your GoPro

While capturing precious moments underwater or near bodies of water, accidents can happen, and cameras can easily slip out of your hands. Investing in a floaty for your GoPro can protect your camera from sinking and help you retrieve it if it falls into the water. The floaty attaches securely to the GoPro housing, ensuring that your camera remains on the surface and easily visible. This simple accessory can save you from losing your valuable GoPro and the memories captured within.

Other recommended accessories

In addition to a floaty, there are other accessories that can enhance your GoPro experience on the Big Island. These include:

  1. Polarizing Filter: A polarizing filter helps reduce glare and enhances color saturation, allowing you to capture vivid and vibrant images, especially when photographing landscapes and bodies of water.
  2. GoPro Dome: A GoPro dome is a specialized accessory that allows you to capture split-level photos and videos. This unique effect creates stunning images with half above-water and half below-water perspectives, perfect for capturing those tropical beach moments.
  3. Extra Mounts and Adhesive Strips: Having extra mounts and adhesive strips can be useful for attaching your GoPro to different surfaces or securing it to your gear. This versatility allows you to capture hands-free footage during various activities, such as surfing, snorkeling, or hiking.

By investing in the right camera gear and accessories, you can capture the essence of your Big Island vacation and relive those special moments for years to come.


Visiting the Big Island of Hawaii offers a wealth of unforgettable experiences, from encountering manta rays at night to exploring the volcanic landscapes. By booking activities like manta ray night snorkeling, checking the Kilauea eruption status, snorkeling at the Captain Cook Monument, going on farm tours, and taking whale watching tours, you can create lasting memories and immerse yourself in the natural wonders of the island. Additionally, choosing the right accommodation, investing in GoPro camera gear, and participating in recommended Hawaii tours and activities will further enhance your experience. The Big Island provides a paradise for adventurers, nature enthusiasts, and those seeking cultural and historical experiences, ensuring a vacation that will leave you with a deep appreciation for this magnificent island.

Discover more about the 5 Cant Miss Big Island Things to Do (Island of Hawaii).