10 Mistakes When Planning a Trip to Hawaii

Are you planning a trip to Hawaii? Well, before you go, make sure to avoid these 10 common mistakes that many travelers often make. In a video by The Hawaii Vacation Guide, they discuss valuable tips and information for planning the perfect Hawaiian vacation. From understanding the climate and size differences of the islands to not underestimating the power of the ocean, this video covers it all. They also provide a directory for hotels and vacation rentals, offer discounts for whale watching and tours, and even have a quiz to help you choose the right Hawaiian island for your vacation. Don’t miss out on these helpful tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip to Hawaii!

10 Mistakes When Planning a Trip to Hawaii

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Mistake 1: Underestimating the Effects of Jet Lag

Symptoms of jet lag

Jet lag can put a damper on the beginning of your vacation if you aren’t prepared for its effects. Some common symptoms of jet lag include fatigue, difficulty sleeping, irritability, digestive problems, and even headaches. These symptoms arise when your body’s internal clock, also known as circadian rhythm, is disrupted due to traveling across multiple time zones.

Tips to minimize jet lag

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to minimize the effects of jet lag and ensure a smoother transition into your vacation. First and foremost, it is essential to stay hydrated throughout your journey. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your flight to combat the dehydrating effects of cabin air. Additionally, try to adjust your sleep schedule gradually in the days leading up to your trip to align with the time zone of your destination.

During the flight, it’s important to get as much rest as possible. Consider bringing a neck pillow, eye mask, and noise-canceling headphones to create a more comfortable environment for sleep. Once you arrive at your destination, try to acclimate to the local time by immediately following the local routine and avoiding taking long naps during the day. Instead, opt for shorter power naps to help you stay awake until an appropriate bedtime.

Mistake 2: Neglecting to Include Resort Fees and Parking Fees in the Budget

Understanding resort fees

When planning your trip, it’s crucial to consider resort fees, as they can significantly impact your overall budget. Many resorts charge additional fees on top of the nightly rate, which can include amenities such as access to pools, fitness centers, or Wi-Fi. These fees can range from a few dollars to over $50 per day, so it’s important to factor them into your calculations when setting a budget.

Considering parking fees

Another commonly overlooked expense is parking fees, especially if you plan on renting a car during your vacation. Some resorts charge a daily fee for parking on their premises, and this cost can quickly add up over the duration of your stay. It’s important to research whether parking is included or if there are any nearby parking options that may be more affordable.

To avoid any unexpected surprises, make sure to contact the resort ahead of time to inquire about their resort fees and parking charges. By including these fees in your budgeting process, you can ensure that you have enough funds set aside for all aspects of your trip.

Mistake 3: Waiting until Arrival to Book Activities

Limited availability

One mistake many travelers make is waiting until they arrive at their destination to book activities. While it may seem tempting to leave your schedule open and decide on the spot, this approach can lead to disappointment as popular activities often sell out in advance. Whether it’s a snorkeling tour, a sunset cruise, or a zip-lining adventure, many popular activities have limited availability and can fill up quickly, especially during peak travel seasons.

Risk of missing out on preferred activities

By waiting until arrival to book your activities, you run the risk of missing out on your preferred options. This can be particularly frustrating if you had your heart set on a specific experience or if you’re traveling during a busy period when demand for activities is high. By taking the time to research and book in advance, you can secure your spot and ensure that you won’t be left disappointed.

To avoid this mistake, browse through travel websites, read reviews, and make reservations for the activities you’re most interested in before your trip. It’s also a good idea to have some backup options in case your desired activities are unavailable.

Mistake 4: Underestimating the Power of the Ocean

Dangers of underestimating the ocean

Hawaii is famous for its stunning beaches and crystal clear waters, but it’s important to remember that the ocean can be unpredictable and potentially dangerous. Underestimating the power of the ocean can lead to accidents and ruin your vacation. From strong currents to unexpected large waves, there are several hazards to be mindful of when enjoying the beach.

Water safety tips

To ensure your safety while having fun in the water, it’s crucial to follow some essential water safety tips. First and foremost, always swim in areas supervised by lifeguards. They are trained to identify potential risks and will be able to assist you in case of an emergency.

Additionally, it’s important never to underestimate the strength of the ocean. Even if the water looks calm, there may be strong currents beneath the surface. It’s advisable to swim with a buddy and never venture too far from the shore.

Lastly, if you’re not a strong swimmer or are unfamiliar with the beach’s conditions, consider renting a life jacket or snorkel vest. These can provide an extra layer of safety and peace of mind while enjoying the ocean. Being aware of potential risks and taking preventative measures will ensure that your beach experience remains enjoyable and accident-free.

Mistake 5: Not Packing Warm Clothes for Colder Locations

Understanding temperature variations in Hawaii

One common misconception about Hawaii is that it’s warm and sunny everywhere all the time. While this may generally be true, it’s important to note that there are temperature variations depending on the location and time of year. Higher elevations, such as on the Big Island or Maui’s Haleakala volcano, can experience cooler temperatures, sometimes even dropping below freezing during winter months.

What to pack for colder locations

To ensure you’re prepared for any weather conditions, it’s wise to pack warm clothes, especially if you plan on visiting higher elevations during your trip. Layering is key in colder locations, as it allows you to adjust your clothing accordingly and stay comfortable throughout the day. Consider packing a light jacket, long-sleeve shirts, and pants to keep warm when necessary.

It’s always better to be over-prepared for colder climates, as you can easily remove layers if it gets warmer. Packing appropriately will ensure that you can fully enjoy all the natural wonders that Hawaii has to offer, regardless of the temperature.

Mistake 6: Overlooking the Size and Climate Differences of the Islands

Distinct characteristics of each island

Each Hawaiian island has its own unique set of attractions and characteristics. It’s essential to research and understand these differences to make the most of your trip. For example, the Big Island is known for its active volcanoes and diverse landscape, while Maui is famous for its beautiful beaches and stunning sunsets. Oahu offers a mix of city life and natural beauty, while Kauai boasts lush greenery and breathtaking waterfalls.

Considering climate variations

In addition to their distinct features, the islands also have varying climates. The windward (eastern) sides of the islands tend to receive more rainfall, resulting in greener landscapes, while the leeward (western) sides are generally drier and sunnier. These climate variations can impact your outdoor activities, so it’s important to take them into account when planning your itinerary.

By taking the time to research and understand the characteristics and climates of each island, you can tailor your trip to suit your preferences and ensure that you don’t miss out on any must-see attractions.

Mistake 7: Assuming All Islands are the Same

Unique features of different islands

Many first-time visitors assume that all Hawaiian islands are essentially the same, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Each island has its own unique set of attractions, landscapes, and local cultures. Oahu, for instance, offers the bustling city life of Honolulu and the historical significance of Pearl Harbor. Kauai, on the other hand, boasts stunning natural beauty and is often referred to as the “Garden Isle.”

Choosing the right island for your interests

To make the most of your Hawaiian vacation, it’s important to choose the island that aligns with your interests and preferences. If you’re a history buff, Oahu may be the perfect fit, whereas nature enthusiasts may find Kauai or the Big Island more appealing.

Consider what activities and attractions are most important to you, and then research which island offers the best options. By choosing the right island for your interests, you’ll be able to create a more personalized and enjoyable vacation experience.

Mistake 8: Not Trying Something New

Missing out on unique experiences

In the comfort of familiarity, it’s easy to stick to what you know and not venture outside of your comfort zone. However, by doing so, you may miss out on incredible experiences that could make your trip truly unforgettable. Hawaii offers a wide array of unique activities and cultural experiences that you may not find anywhere else.

From trying traditional Hawaiian cuisine to participating in a hula lesson or embarking on a helicopter tour of the islands, there are numerous opportunities to step outside of your comfort zone and create lasting memories.

Stepping out of your comfort zone

To make the most of your Hawaiian adventure, challenge yourself to try something new. Whether it’s snorkeling in vibrant coral reefs or learning to surf, pushing your boundaries and embracing unfamiliar experiences can open doors to incredible adventures and personal growth.

Be open to new opportunities and don’t be afraid to take a leap of faith. Trying something outside of your usual comfort zone may just lead to the most memorable moments of your trip.

Mistake 9: Failing to Research Beforehand

Importance of trip planning

Proper research and planning are key to maximizing your Hawaiian vacation. By taking the time to research your destination, you can ensure that you don’t miss out on any must-visit attractions, delicious local eateries, or hidden gems.

Researching also allows you to set realistic expectations and avoid any surprises or disappointments. By knowing what to expect in terms of weather, accessibility, and local customs, you can make more informed decisions and have a smoother and more enjoyable trip overall.

Using reliable resources

When conducting your research, it’s important to rely on reliable resources such as official tourism websites, travel guides, and reputable online platforms. These sources can provide accurate and up-to-date information about attractions, activities, and safety precautions. Additionally, reading reviews and testimonials from fellow travelers can offer valuable insights and help you make more informed decisions.

By conducting thorough research and utilizing reliable resources, you can plan a well-rounded itinerary that caters to your interests and preferences, ensuring a memorable and hassle-free vacation.


In conclusion, there are several common mistakes that travelers to Hawaii often make. By understanding and avoiding these mistakes, you can make the most of your Hawaiian vacation and create incredible memories that will last a lifetime.

To recap, we covered the importance of not underestimating the effects of jet lag and provided tips to minimize its impact. We also highlighted the significance of budgeting for resort fees and parking fees to avoid any financial surprises during your stay. Additionally, we emphasized the importance of booking activities in advance to secure your preferred options.

We discussed the dangers of underestimating the power of the ocean and shared essential water safety tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable beach experience. Furthermore, we highlighted the importance of packing warm clothes for colder locations and understanding the size and climate differences among the islands.

We stressed the unique features and characteristics of each Hawaiian island and encouraged you to choose the right island for your interests. We also emphasized the significance of trying something new and stepping out of your comfort zone to make the most of your trip.

Lastly, we emphasized the importance of proper research and planning and suggested using reliable resources to enhance your trip planning process. By following these tips and avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure a smooth and unforgettable Hawaiian vacation.

So what are you waiting for? Start planning your dream trip to Hawaii today and don’t forget to pack your snorkel gear from Get Wet Store to make the most of the beautiful ocean waters. Happy travels!